Alexandra Chauran is a professional fortune teller, certified counselor and an author of books on the subjects of psychic development and witchcraft.
Fitness & Fun
Exercise for a purpose
Helping each other to become better people
Health & Wellbeing
Your kids and spouse wants you to be alive and healthy
Mindfulness & Meditation
Tips on creating the time to meditate for your hectic schedule
Mind & Body
The mind and body connection is strong but one cannot exist without the other
Fulfilment & Work
Goal in one's professional life is to find out what sucks and don't do it
Welcome to the parenthood
Equal rights for people with mental illness
Anxiety & Depression
Physical activity is good for someone who feel anxious
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand the emotion of others
Seeking Help
Know what your problem is and know who is the best person who can handle it
Energy & Healing
Energy healing practices can be effective but not always
What is the role of hypnosis?
Western science is about discovering new things
Practicing witch craft and communicating with spirits
Self Esteem & Money
Low self-esteem and finances can be link but not necessarily a causation
How To Feel Good
Three quick and simple things that you can do to feel better about yourself