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Self Esteem & Money

Woman rights

Woman rights

Bad effect of having an ego

Bad effect of having an ego

Realize the patterna and then change it

Realize the patterna and then change it

You control the choices you make, make good choices

You control the choices you make, make good choices

Low self-esteem and finances can be link but not necessarily a causation

Low self-esteem and finances can be link but not necessarily a causation

Self esteem

Self esteem

The importance of money management

The importance of money management

Your thoughts started to put tricks on you

Your thoughts started to put tricks on you

It doesn't matter how much money you have in the bank

It doesn't matter how much money you have in the bank

Give yourself a gift of words

Give yourself a gift of words

Take a step and say i deserve it

Take a step and say i deserve it

Self acceptance is the beginning of self-esteem

Self acceptance is the beginning of self-esteem

Build our self esteem, feel good about ourselves accept ourselves

Build our self esteem, feel good about ourselves accept ourselves

Quick Tips:

Look at variable expenses when making your budget

Creating a budget may seem like a difficult task, but it can bring peace of mind. Start by tracking where you are spending you money now. You may not be able to change fixed expenses, so examine your variable expenses.

Alice R.

Wait before making big purchases

In order to control impulse purchases, make a 30-day limit for yourself. If you want to make a major purchase that you are unsure about wait 30 days before making the final decision.

Austin S.

Meet with financial advisor to plan investment

Investing is a complicated issue for many, but it is not something that should be put off. Meeting with a financial advisor to plan your future and discover your options is an important first step.

Gerald T.

Save money on by bringing work lunches

Even small changes can add up to large savings. Try bringing your own lunch to work once or twice a week. You can also cut out buying snacks from vending machines because it is cheaper to bring your own.

Janice W.

Start an emergency savings fund

Every person should have an emergency savings fund. This is for those unplanned expenses that always crop up, such as car repairs or replacing appliances.

Ralph A.

Have money automatically deducted for savings

Even though you should be doing it, you may be putting off starting your savings. Set a minimal amount that you will put in savings every week and have it automatically deducted from your paycheck.

Joshua B.

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