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Quick Tips:
Reflect on your life by journaling
Keeping a journal can be a great way to process events happening in your life and reflect on them. This is a way to explore your feelings and examine your actions in another way.
Cynthia C.
Make improvements using a journal
A journal can be a way to examine your thoughts and feelings. Do not just stop there. See where you can make improvements in your life and examine the efficiency of the changes you make.
Janet D.
Volunteer to feel part of something bigger
Volunteering has numerous benefits. You get to feel that you are part of something, and you also feel better because of your contribution. This is a great way to focus on others.
Betty K.
Find a volunteer position that uses your talents
Find something that interests you and get involved. There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer in your community that you can find the perfect position. Look for something that utilizes your talents.
Jacob L.
Deal with stress by talking with someone
One way to deal with stress in your daily life is to talk things over with someone you trust. This can give you another perspective on things and make you realize that something is not as much of a problem as you orignially thought.
Robert I.
Factors contributing to addiction
There are a variety of risk factors that contribute to addiction including having an energy that requires medication or in a situation with easy access to drugs.
Wayne C.
Develop interests to avoid risk of addiction
Someone who is bored with life and does not have many interests is more at risk to become addicted to drug. Try to develop your interests and nuture relationships with people.
Johnny D.
Denying a problem with drugs might just be denial
If someone you know is experiencing personality changes and denying that they have any problem with medication, you might be dealing with drug addiction.
Dennis E.
Addiction happens when drugs become most important
Using drugs is a severe problem when that becomes more important than anything else. If you know someone who is struggling with addiction, it is important to talk about the issue.
Raymond F.