The definition and importance of emotional intelligence
To be emotionally intelligent, you need to know who you were. You need to know yourself. You need to know what makes you tick. You need to know the things in your life that you want, the things in your life that you don't want, the things in your life that you have to do, the things in your life that you don't have to do. You need to know yourself. And when you know yourself, you will love yourself. And when you love yourself, you will share that with others. So, emotional intelligence is self-awareness, self-acceptance, and being self-conscious. And by being self-acceptant, self-aware and self-conscious; you will also be aware of others. And we're there. And that's emotional intelligence, for me. So when you can control yourself, you can then put yourself in the place of another person. And say how they're feeling. You can go into their space and know where they are from a true perspective. You're not just looking at facts. You're looking at the emotions that created the facts. You're looking at the situation of the individual that you're looking at. And that's emotional intelligence. Now, in business it's used, emotional intelligence, as a grade for the employees but not for the bosses. Emotional intelligence is a great thing, you know. It's what we need. We all need emotional intelligence so we can all work together in teams and as an organization. And is it overrated? Absolutely not! It's underutilized. And we don't give it enough credit. We don't give it enough at all. If everybody try to be as emotionally intelligent as they could be, we would have a far better society and a far better community and we'd have a far better quality of life which brings me to a story which I'm gonna quickly move on to. It was [inaudible] manager, working in a company, had an employee working for him that became an alcoholic. His marriage broke down and he started to drink heavily and he had a drinking problem. Now in normal circumstances, people want to get rid of people who have drinking problems. They want to get see [inaudible]. They don't want to see them anymore. How could you rid of this person? And they're just gonna drag the whole company down. We can't afford to take this on. This is terrible. But the opposite happened. The manager took a chance and he just said, "Well, that could be me. And what would I do if that was me?" That's emotional intelligence. So what he did was he says, "I'll help you. What do you need?" And he says, "I need, first of all, I need to go to rehab. I need to get myself off this alcohol. And then I need to walk on it constantly." So he went to rehab and he looked after him and kept his position for him, kept his employment. And then, he stopped by him as he went to his AA meetings and he went through the processes of alcoholism and ending alcoholism, finishing with the alcohol. For the next 20 years, that man was the best employee that that company ever had. There was no one promoted the company or worked harder for the company than that man. This manager gave him nine months to fix himself, to put himself right, stood by him in his hour of need. He was emotionally intelligent and stopped by him in his hour of need. And that man delivered 20 years in repayment for that nine months. That's emotional intelligence. And we need to get real. It's the truth. Emotional intelligence is actually telling the truth, letting our emotions out. To be emotional is to be who you are. And when you are you are, it's truth. It's honest and it's true. So, emotional intelligence is not overrated. It's underused. And I think emotional intelligence in our days of life is the way forward.