Epigenetic effect
________________________Petrea King_____________________ we see people move from feeling a helpless victim of these circumstance, because its, it's understandable and why wouldn't you feel [breath]? And angry and resentful and bitter perhaps about a whole range of things that might happen in life. But if we want piece of mind, we have to get past the fact that those thing happened. And we might need to weep about it, rant about it, scream about it, write about it, talk about it until we can say "yes that did happened, and it happened to me" and given that I'm a woman in this circumstance, what's an appropriate response? Not a reaction. And so there's quite a big difference response and reaction. If you think about a time in your life when you are reacting really strongly to someone or something. You probably felt it in your stomach or maybe your heart rate increased, or maybe your jaw tends stop or you held tension in your shoulders, maybe your hands turned into fist, maybe you had sweaty palms. But it's a physiological reactivation of a physiology that you've experienced before. And if you ask someone when they're in the midst of a reaction, "how old do you feel right now?", of course we always feel like a little kid, we feel like we are out of bad debts, we don't know what to do, we don't know how to manage the situation, and so we just react. And what we recommend is that you move from reaction into response, because a response is that more adult part of yourself that can be informed by inside wisdom, humor, creativity to make more appropriate response which is really different from a helpless reaction feeling a victim of a circumstance. So a person may need to weep about it, rhyme about it, whatever has happened to them, whether that's a diagnosis or some um event that happened in their life, so that we can get to that place where this did happened, it happened to me, and even I'm in this circumstance, how am I gonna respond, do I need a second opinion? Do I need to have that difficult conversation with my partner? Do I have to change my diet? Do I need to change some fundamental thing in my life, which will be a better response rather than a helpless reaction? And then people do this, we find that people have a far improved quality of life and when they have an improved quality of life that often also translates through into an increased quantity of life. So many of the people that we've worked with have had remissions or now free of their disease when that was never expected, and that's only a small number of people because we tend to work with people who are really quite ill. But there's a certain number of those people who are now entirely free of their disease when that was never expected, and I think the whole study around epigenetics in particular, which shows that what you are holding in your consciousness, what you're putting in your mouth, the chemicals that in your environment are delivered to the cell surface and then receptor cells on the surface of the cell, and that's about a hundred thousand one every cell and then ____________________Madison Stern_______________________ wow __________________Petrea King_____________________ And then fifty trillion of these cells in your body, so what you hold in your consciousness, what you're putting in your mouth, the chemicals that are in your environment, viruses also that are in your environment, those are all delivered to the receptor cell from the surface of the cell, so it's really important how we deal with stress in our life, how we deal with difficult people, difficult emotions, difficult challenges that we have In our life because that's having a direct impact on our physical health through this epigenetic effect.