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Enduring a job is not living


I was told when I was in school that I could do anything I want. And my goal, my main goal was to head more one trade. Which I achieved which, I'm quiet happy with. But you know enduring a job is not living. You got to work 90, 000 hours plus your lifetime. You must want to enjoy what you do. And then get to that long. You know, I discovered sailing when I was young about 9 years old. I discovered photography when I was about 6 or 7. You know, playing with my father's camera. My mom giving me one when I was age 7. And then my uncle and aunts just, they never answered my questions. I've never felt like I was bothering them, or maybe I was. But you know, my jobs come from the things I like. It could have been instilled into me or I instilled them myself. With photography [inaudible] filming and I've had mentors all the while through. And I think it's a really important thing that you need to have people around you and are encouraging you and saying Well, if you like that, you know should go and do it.. There is so much reality and so many options these days. And yes, it can be very [inaudible] at times but you know if you really really want something, you can go out and you can have it. But you just have to be with people behind you. Taking your time and giving yourself permission to roll with the ups and downs is another thing you probably need to do. You know, I believe that profits are always better than wages. But you know, you just going to have to work and put the highly odds and to get there. At times, you know, you really going to feel down in the dumps. Sometimes, that's where a great neat work that you are going to build around you, is going to be a great value. I've got several people I [inaudible] on and I'm not sure about something and most of them are gone. Gone to the places I want to go. Keep in mind, you know, it's just miles down along the road. It's not just the destination you know.

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