Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense emotions in yourself and others
Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense emotions in yourself and others to relate to them, to know how it feels, to understand people {inaudible} and to understand yourself. Some people certainly can do it better than others. Some people are highly intelligent in terms of the left brain but theyre highly insensitive in terms of the right brain. But we are a mixture of everything both left and right brain. So, it makes no sense at all to see more importance associated with one, form of intelligence or another, theyre both equally important. In order to do a good job or to see things properly, we need to be able to understand who we are, to understand others, to understand capabilities, our passions,our own journey.So, emotional IQ analyze everything that we do but its equally as important as any other form of IQ. Even {inaudible} to us for that matter. So, I dont think that you can say that one has more value than the other but we certainly depends enormously on developing our own emotional IQ potential and I do think that in some people, its natural and in others, it has to be learned.But its a given that its something that will help the potential to develop more than a hundred percent.