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Dr. Cheryl Arutt about self-talk


__________JJ Thiret__________ There was a question that I read and I ask a good friend of mine and that was really good. And if you don't mind I'll ask you this. __________Dr. Cheryl Arutt__________ Sure. __________JJ Thiret__________ And if you could ask your patience this. If you have a friend, a good friend, that told you Dr. Cheryl the same things you told yourself on a daily basis, would you keep him for a friend? __________Dr. Cheryl Arutt__________ Sure. __________JJ Thiret__________ And if you could ask your patience this. If you have a friend, a good friend, that told you Dr. Cheryl the same things you told yourself on a daily basis, would you keep him for a friend? __________Dr. Cheryl Arutt__________ Wooohhhh... that is good. That is good. Wow I like that! What a great way to get in people's internal dialogue. Wow! You know I would. I would. You know it's ... and I can be really tough on myself but I spent a lot of years working on and working through my own stuff. And I am not gonna pretend as if works in everything. I don't know that's even possible to do. But I have a real good sense of appreciating my life and where I am and that ... I don't think people going to this field who have never been through difficult things. There are out having fun and not helping people with their problems. But you know but think that I have ... I could know I could answer that way actually. I probably would have had much harsher inner dialogue years ago. And I think that I can still be tough on myself. But maybe this is why I tuned in so much to other people's inner critique and want to help them or want to be you know more compassionate. It doesn't mean just saying everything is great no matter what. Or to be able to say "Hey we're both human beings. Give yourself a break." You know show up. Do the very best you can. And then you know forgive yourself for being human. And get up the next day and do it again.

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