Breathe and progress
________Umang Goel_________ Yes. So, did I, at any point of time, think of when will it happen, when will it happen? I didn't care. I just wanted to do my practice. I just wanted to find joy in my practice, and I kept doing it without thinking... and always growing. I was not concerned with when was what going to happen? Never got myself concerned in that.Never got myself caught up in that. And, years have passed, and wow, look at that! And, so, I tell my students, "It took me two years. How long do you want to give yourself?" So, I think, you know, you have to... You came this far with all those issues in the body and the mind, and the spirit, and the soul... ________JJ Thiret__________ Yeah. ________Umang Goel_________ Give it some time. Forget about how long. Do you ever tell yourself, you know... And, people like who want to do it once in two weeks or once a week, that if anything is my frustration point. And, I actually don't even get frustrated with that because that is not my life. I have control over my life, not yours. So, they want to come once in two weeks, and this is what I tell them, "Do you ever tell yourself, let me not breathe today, I'm tired? I'm not going to breathe today." So, that's one analogy I draw for them. It is yoga, you're conducting the way you live, you're doing exercise, eating right is like breathing. If you can't stop breathing for one day, then don't stop doing the right things for one day.